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With our innovative and insightful technology, we strive to provide solar energy solution and device to clients. Our engineer and programmer team have worked tirelessly to bring the best and latest solar technology to clients. We will continue to work relentlessly to improve the solar technology, providing more efficient and more reliable solutions. Get in touch to learn more.


What's new

Solar Panel Monitoring System by AI Computer

Our development team is building an automatic solar panel monitoring system with AI computer vision to perform defect analysis of cracks, hotspots, and soiling, and acquire data on ambient temperature, humidity, solar irradiance, and atmospheric pressure.

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Despite being easy to maintain, solar panels wear out due to weather and mishaps, and the silicon semiconductors react to temperature and humidity changes and can degrade even with regular cleaning. Inspection work is very labor-intensive and time-consuming as most solar energy systems are installed on building roofs or remotely. Due to the lack of a real-time monitoring system, problems might only be realized months after the payment bill is received.

Therefore we are building an AI computer vision-based solar panel monitoring system. This system can minimize human errors through AI-based defect detection, reduce downtime by detecting failures quickly, reduce the volume of manual work with automated alerts and save repair costs by implementing a proactive maintenance strategy.

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